Complete System
A complete system includes various ITS field devices, integrated to allow safe local and remote control according to a site-specific scenario of operation.
Products in the system

Client Central Software
Control, monitor, and gather feedback from a Traffic Management Center (TMC) client central software
Channelize traffic or block a roadway access point using high visibility Automated Warning Gates
Alert motorists of upcoming closures or changing conditions using Automated Warning Signage
Commander Assembly
Control, monitor, and gather feedback from a remote location such as a TMC using the Versilis Commander WEB or NTCIP interface
Smart Handheld Controller
Control, monitor, and gather feedback from a safe onsite location using the Versilis Smart Handheld Controller*
*Fully wireless systems using solar power and RF communication available.
Turnkey Solution
At Versilis, we specialize in providing comprehensive and complete lane closure systems designed and configured for a wide variety of applications. Whether you want to improve an existing ITS infrastructure or you are planning a new one, we are here to help make your roads safer.
Versilis is a one-stop-shop for concept plans guidance, products, control systems, and integration services.
Our control systems are designed to integrate a variety of ITS Field Devices, supplied by Versilis or others.
We offer specialized expertise and extensive project experience to help you achieve your goals.
With you on your project
Standard Services
Transportation agencies, designers, and contractors can count on Versilis’ exceptional support at all project stages. We are proud to be a partner contributing to your project’s success.
Additional Services
Designers, contractors, and system integrators can benefit from Versilis’ communication integration expertise and services to deliver value and reduce risk.
Step 1
Guidance & Knowledge Sharing
- Suggested gate layout
- Street view mockup
- Safety guidelines
- Budgetary pricing
Step 2
Designer Technical Support
- Standard mechanical drawings
- Standard wiring block diagrams
- Project specific drawings
Step 3
Time to deliver
- Project coordination
- Project Submittal Package
- Project specific manuals
- Product manufacturing
- Detailed ITS communication integration design
- ITS Integration Test Lab for client software developers & tech support
Step 4
Time to make it work
- Material delivery
- Installation support
- Proof of performance test
- Integration test support
- On-site training
- System integration test
- SOP testing and training using ITS Integration Test Lab
Available as additional services